INS Australia has undergone significant changes over the past 30 years. The diversification of the city’s economy is significant through the factors of education, health care and finance sectors, which are all experiencing strong growth. The population of the city has also grown dramatically and sustained the increase. This combination of economic and population changes has provided the perfect opportunity for reshaping the city centre. This Newcastle Urban Renewal

Strategy 2012 considers the suitability of the Newcastle city centre for urban renewal. It outlines a clear strategy underpinned by a range of initiatives, and an implementation plan to support the revitalization of Newcastle over the next 25 years. The strategy proposes a framework for the city to successfully prosper and identifies initiatives to improve the city’s economy, access, connections and the quality and attractiveness of the public domain. Several key initiatives will have significant short-term benefits as well as being catalysts for stimulating more changes in the city.

These include: 1. Establishing a university campus in the city centre to stimulate and drive demand for commercial and retail floor space, introduce a student resident and worker population, and create synergies with established businesses and industry sectors 2. Reevaluating Hunter Street Mall into a distinct retail, entertainment, leisure and residential precinct to catalyst other renewal in the east end, including nearby major landholdings 3. Reshaping Hunter Street as a key city destination to promote activity, business opportunities, events and other uses in identified nodes.

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Reshaping can start with less permanent measures on a trial or temporary basis 4. Providing additional connections across the rail corridor for pedestrians, cyclists and cars 5. Appointing a Local Business Coordinator to prepare and implement a Business Improvement Plan 6. Attracting more residents into the city centre to support and build a vibrant and viable city centre 7. Promoting a higher mode shift to public transport to reduce the number of cars in the city centre, encourage activity and support for business, and utilize existing infrastructure and services.